Celebrate your customers for who they are   SWEETSPOT PODCAST WITH FASHION ENTREPRENEUR & WRITERFINNEGAN SHEPARD   Marc Suess talks to Finnegan Shepard about his clothing brand for transmasculine and nonbinary people as well as his creative writing.     For this Sweetspot Podcast episode, Marc Suess meets Finnegan Shepard, CEO, and founder of Both&,…

Mathematical beauty

Sweetspot Podcast with fractal artist Julius Horsthuis   Marc Suess talks to Julius Horsthuis about immersive, psychedelic experiences in fractal art, NFTs, and the sweet spot of creativity and technology.   In today’s episode, Marc Suess meets Fractal Artist Julius Horsthuis.   After his career in the movie industry as a visual effects supervisor (e.g.…

Art, Design & Attitude

Sweetspot Podcast with designer & artist Eike König   Art and design as a cultural commentary … a talk about the line between design and art with Eike König     For this episode of the Sweetspot Podcast, Marc Suess met Eike König in his creative studio in Berlin. Eike is a world-renowned German designer…

How to cultivate and follow your inner voice

Sweetspot Podcast with singer-songwriter and producer Sam Stokes   In this episode, Marc Suess talks to Sam Stokes about her creative journey to becoming a songwriter and producer – and founding her own label, Lilac Records in LA.     For this week’s Sweetspot Podcast, Marc Suess talks to Sam Stokes, a singer-songwriter and producer.…

Creating shared experiences

Sweetspot Podcast with Managing Director Theatre Paul Glaser   In this episode, Marc Suess talks to Paul Glaser about his career in different creative fields and his job as managing director of a theatre company. We get to look behind the scenes of a production and learn about the power of shared experiences …  …

The art of entrepreneurship

Sweetspot Podcast with Gallerist Johann König   In this episode, Marc Suess talks to Johann König about his entrepreneurial journey as a gallerist, his start-up misa.art, NFTs, and how artists inspired him.     This week, Marc Suess welcomes Johann König to the Sweetspot Podcast, a real “pop star among gallery owners”. Johann not only…

Sweetspot Podcast Trailer

Welcome to the sweet side   Investigating entrepreneurship, purpose and the creative life.     Hey sweet people, welcome to the sweetspot podcast. In this podcast, I am investigating a meaningful creative life and work. In conversations with creatives, entrepreneurs and media personalities, I set out to find the sweetspot that makes people and brands…

The Attiude is the Message

Ein Gespräch mit Autor, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler Marcus S. Kleiner   Ein Gespräch über Deutschland aus Medien- und Kultur-Perspektive.       Heute begrüße ich zum zweiten Mal Prof. Dr. Marcus S. Kleiner im Sweetspot Podcast. Gerade ist sein neues Buch “Deutschland 151” beim Conbook Verlag erschienen. Er schreibt darin selbst: “Geschichten über Deutschland sind…

Follow your bliss

Ein Gespräch mit Storytelling-Experte Markus Gull   Heute schauen wir hinter die Kulissen eines großen Wortes und viel zitierten Themas: Storytelling. Von Purpose über Heldenreisen, Unternehmenskultur und Verantwortung, bis zur Frage nach Zielen und Werten.       Heute begrüße ich Markus Gull im Sweetspot Podcast. Er ist Autor, Speaker, Coach und Unternehmer, hat für…


Ein Gespräch mit Innovation Advisor und Trendforscher Torsten Rehder   Wie man als Unternehmen eine Zukunftsvision entwickelt.     Mein heutiger Gast denkt nicht nur viel über die Zukunft nach  – er gestaltet sie zusammen mit Unternehmen auch! Torsten Rehder ist Senior Innovation Advisor bei TRENDONE – einem Unternehmen für Trend-getriebene Innovationsberatung.   Ich spreche…